@ A Laundromat

Yay! Had a gelato today. Not as big as the ones in Italy, and yet still the same price... oh well. Tasted goooood.

Well. Lots of walking around today, and taking the metro I guess. Actually I laughed when i saw one of the signs in the station today. it said "flights to Germany from 19€ (about NZ35) == we are not kidding - we are german" ok. well, i thought it was funny.

More important things you should know:
1) The coca cola in Italy tastes watered down (and yes, i drank it from a can and a bottle)
2) Thankfully the coca cola in Spain tastes like it does back home
3) Note that i say coca cola because if you ask for a coke, noone knows what you are talking about
4) My necklace left a non-tan patch on my chest (from my burns yesterday)
5) My washing is nearly done
6) Today was one of the hottest i have had in Madrid, about late thirties.
7) I am hoping to go to a Flamenco show tonight

So yeah. Because i am at this dumb laundromat-internet station i cannot upload photos. so none today. tomorrow there will be some i promise.


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