The Fantasic Four

The Fantasic Four
Originally uploaded by janine13.
Well, these are my flat mates. I know you´ve seen Giuseppe and Ashley before, but not Eva, who joined us 2 weeks ago, and is from San Sebastián (1 hour away).

Ok. so. not too much has happened in the nearly 2 weeks... you can see my photo page which shows that i went to the beach on friday, didn´t do much saturday, then went to plentzia via metro (40 mins) which is a small town at the mouth of a river. i went by myself this time, and it was just like i was travelling solo before uni started - it was heaven. i was the only one making decisions, no maps, no this no that, just what i wanted to do. fantastic.

a very nice and tranquill place, i went to the beach there, and fell asleep for a few hours, i was that relaxed. (i´d stayed up until 330 on sat night, watched sweet home alabama and saved! which the last one is a VERY cool movie, you have to see it.) a swim woke me up - the water was quite cold, and then i sat jealously watching a kayaker surf in the waves. i gotta rent me one someday.

this past wednesday, the 12th is a holiday in spain, "Fiesta Nacional de España", basically national day. it was when columbus discovered america or something, and columbus is from spain (his name is actually Cristóbal Colón). so this means drinking time on tuesday night. and man, what a night i had. the most varied in my life.

started at about 10 with a house party where giuseppe (the pasta master) cooked us and 9 others a beautiful meal of pasta, so we drank and ate which was really nice. then we caught the metro to algorta, a neighbourhood 2 neighbourhoods over where a lot of other usac students live, where there was a botellón.

only in spain do they coin a name for "going to a park or public place and drink alcohol bought cheaply at a supermarket". so that was all fun, about 30 people there in a park overlooking the bay. then we caught the metro back (normally the metro closes at 11pm on week nights, but because of fiestas (parties) it closes at 2) and went to Momo bar. lots of people there, lots of spaniards that is. then 5 of us decided to walk to puerto deportivo, which is 15-20 mins away, so that was fun and we danced in a disco for a while. lindsay and i decided to just start walking around, but we didn´t really need to, guys would constantly walk up to us with the line " where are you from?" so we´d explain our life stories a few hundred times. met lots of people that way. ok, when i say people i mean guys. lol. all of this in spanish however :) (Even tho the initial question was in english, we refused to talk in it). we walked back again, and we heard the metro running! we were sure that it stopped at 2, so imagine our surprise when i realised that the metro had just started back up again.... at 6am!

i was meant to go hiking on the wednesday but that meant getting up at 730... something i was not in the right frame of mind to do!!!!! so i blobbed out yesterday, did some much needed homework also :)

not sure of what i´m doing this weekend, or the weekend after, tho i do know that the weekend after that i´m going to frankfurt in germany! wihoo!


nelle said...
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Anonymous said...

Ok so i cant post comments on your photos for some reason so ill post here instead. You guys sure do like to drink eh? Yay for drinking in public places!!! Guiseppe looks funny. Funny nice as in entertaining. Anyway. DAeeeeee

Janine said...

hehe you spelt his name wrong. he won´t like that! i before u except after poo

Anonymous said...

doh sorry. i cant read.