Things For My Next Blog Entry:

Love It
Originally uploaded by janine13.
1) will explain prague a bit more because it was absulutely amazing there
2) talk about cambridge, well, the few hours that i was there anyway
3) what me my mum and sister got up to while they visited me for 2 weeks
4) what i got up to with Irene who just visited me last weekend
5) will sum up my educational experience (last week this week, exams!)
6) will talk more about Spaniard, seeing as that story has been asked to be told (yes we are still together, 3 months now!)
7) will tell my plans for summer
8) will tell my hazy plans for until december
9) tendonitis update (not that good)
10) possibly the next post won´t be soon. i will try. things just a bit hectic here.

At least i made progress and i have a whoooooole lot of photos up. like, an extraordinary amount.

i hear nz has some crappy weather at the moment, HAHAHAHA i was in singlet top, shorts, and jandals all day today there was a heat q te cagas.

bueno, besos
ok, kisses!

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