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Well, volleyball is still one of my favourite sports. the other night we were playing on the beach, unfortunately with a slightly deflated soccer ball, hence it does more damage. and, well, i kinda had to go to the hospital the next day with a swollen wrist, and now its in a half cast immobilised for a while. not broken, but the whole night i thought it was; i was in a lot of pain.
i´m a bit of a disaster, huh.
oh well, things can only get better :-) at least with this cast i can use my opposable thumb, not like when i broke my thumb a few years ago!!! but alas, tis not waterproof.
GETTING READY FOR SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMER! Bought a melon today, its nice to eat summer fruit on our balcony in the sun. And the other day i put on sunscreen, and wow, that smell was wonderful. Recently i downloaded Blindspott (i lost it in my old mp3 player) and listening to it made me think of driving around with nelle in her car. ahhh, good times.
ah! i forgot to mention, that i was on spanish tv 3 weeks ago!!!! there was a half an hour

documentary on what foreigners thought of the basque country region, and me and 2 class mates were interviewed for 40 minutes, which got cut down to a 30 minute programme with some other interviews. although while they were filming i didnt say that much, there was a lot of me speaking on the tv!!!!! i have the programme on dvd, so will show it to all when i get home. it was a really cool experience! and i even had people recognising me in the bar that i frequent!! the photo here is from the tv channels website, showing Jaime, me, and Ernesto being interviewed at our university outside.
well, writing hurts. and its slow. so i´ll leave you all my lovelies with a stunning realisation
"brushing your teeth with the opposite hand is difficult"
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