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I don´t know why i love this photo so much. but i think its fantastic.
this is an update for my update, that i will update these soon.
confused? same here.
Wonky brain maybe.
anyway, a few things (i´m prcrastinating to clean my room)
tendonitis: have been to the fisio again the past 2 weeks and slowly getting better. i have a deep fear that it could be chronic, seeing as its been going on for so long, but my physio has hope. damn those sessions hurt tho, stretching, electric currents etc etc, even the massages hurt like nothing before. she even made me cry. no running or jumping around or dancing for the next 1 month at least still. sucks.
spaniard: well, things are awesome still. i´m really happy still! mum and erica met the spaniard and things went really well, they like my spaniard so i´m thrilled with that. ok, police profile time.
occupation: waiting tables, however with degree (equivalent) in photography and digital stuff like that
appearance: spanish/latino style
height: shorter than me (well most spanish are so its not that much of a feat)
smile: amazing
eyes: to get lost in
likes: me, cats, chocolate, nesquik, crack nuckles, take photos
doesn´t like: dogs, feet, farts, swimming, the heat
and yeah. no names at this stage. (just to keep you guessing hehehe)
vague plans: travel a bit, teach english maybe, dunno really. (sorry, i meant to say real vague)
well. thats me for the moment.
exams all done, no work to do anymore!!!
just days to be filled with going to the beach maybe!!! :-)
and looking for a job (don´t worry dad)
better update later, tho i have a feeling the updates of the past could be lost forever and ever and ever. the photos will suffice???? if not leave a comment telling me to get a move on.