
Haircut :-)
Originally uploaded by Janina Kiwi.
ok, i don´t look the most awake in this photo, but there it is, haircut done. not much has happened lately, i have to prepare exams for 6 classes this week, so that´ll be "fun".

Haven´t had any travels, so unfortunately its a bit boring on that front. The weather is real northern spain weather, tho thankfully it hasn´t rained as much as it should have in november. the autumn so far has been splendid, tho really variable.

oh dear, i´m talking about the weather. time for that to stop.

having xrays & more blood tests in the beginning of december with my legs, that is, ankles, knees and hips; the whole package. i don´t konw what to expect, i just want my life to return back to normal. in 5 days marks the anniversary of screwing up my legs, that is to say, 1 year without running or doing exercise which i love to do, 1 year without physical freedom. its a pain. (in 2 senses).

anyway, enough moaning, and off to bed now!!!

c you


Janine said...

jeez i hate it when stupid people do that. i think yay i have a comment! but i don´t.
will real people leave me comments?
i guess i need to make my blog more interesting huh.

Anonymous said...

well, if you'd do more than cut your hair, I'd comment...

jejeje jk

hablamos pronto fea