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Well folks, this is where i work, the Irish pub in Sopelana called Brendan´s Isle. Its a cool pub, cozy, nice clientele, good location, and we´re in the middle of sopelana´s fiestas, that is, the mad mad drinking week for sopelana where its fun fun fun with stalls, concerts etc etc. And me, starting new in a pub. I have never worked in hospitality before, i will make that clear. I have never worked in a foreign country before either. Nor even heard of half the drinks they have here even tho they are in english. So everything is new new new and i´m learning pretty well i reckon. This is the bar where vanesa one of my friends works, which is how i came by the job, just helping out for this week for starters.
and what a lot of work the first 3 days so far. 11 consecutive hours on my first day, 10 yesterday, and 10.5 today. My feet are murdering me, but i´m thankfull for it because it masks the pain of my tendonitis. Well actually my fisio is a bit astounded that so much work (with no sitting down and only 30mins for lunch) hasn´t killed my legs yet. so i´m good! but tired, jeeeez, starting at 815 everyday.
ok. going to take a nap now, man i´m tired, and another 10 hours tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah, and tonight i go out to enjoy the fiestas hehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehe.
good night!!!
Felicidades en el trabajo, neska! Me alegro que hayas conseguido algo bueno por alli... Que disfrutes y os mando muxos muxus!
betitxu la mejor
Who's Brendan? Why's it called Brendan's Isle?
And what's 'Neska'. Is that your pet name??? eh? eh? eh?
brendan because of some irish patron saint i suppose, and neska means girl in basque. but í´m not just a neska, i´m a neska polita hahahahahaha (polita means pretty)
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