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Spain made it to stage 2 in the world cup. Spain is elated. Spain has to now play against France. Spain is not so elated.
Spain has lots of fire, especially on the night of San Juan (Saint John), the shortest day of the year, where bonfires are the only item on the menu. It doesn´t matter where you are, on the beach, in the city, in the country, there is FIRE. While driving out to the beach going thru the country there were scores of bonfires and the forests looked like they were on fire but it was all just smoke from other bonfires. Had a very chilled night relaxing on the beach, unfortunately it wasn´t weather for a late night dip.
I don´t have a job anymore. It was over before it started, there weren´t enough kids in the summer programme, so now i´m back out hunting for a job. Well, for the moment i´m just relaxing.
The Rasmus, a fantastic Finnish band, I love The Rasmus. They have one concert in Spain this year, and I´m going to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its in southern spain near Málaga, and i´m going by plane for the weekend for SUN SUN and SUN at the many BEACHES they have there. Looking forward to it!!!!!
What i am also really looking forward to is the Running of the Bulls festival (made famous by Hemmingway) in Pamplona. This is the 3rd festival (of my 3 top must see festivals) in Spain. (the other two were the tomato festival and las fallas in valencia). Should be very exciting but do not fear, i will not be running infront of the bulls, or behind them, for still i cannot run with my tendonitis.
So thats my life lately, not doing much at all. Watching soccer, sleeping, and still shifting my stuff from my old room into my new room.
I hope things are all going well. Happy birthday to reinier (17), paul (16), wessel (21), and happy anniversary erica and james.
Love you all lotssssssssssssss!!!!