Holland Is Cold

yes. cold.
and erica was surprised!!!! she was in shock. the look on her face and her surprise was fabulous. well worth only 2 hours sleep.
met up with a few of mums friends, walked around a bit, went to the beach with wouter (mums first boyfriend) and stayed the night at his house. next morning on sunday we went to haarlem to see my relatives (uncle, aunty, 3 cousins and thier children), of whom the 2 boys, allard and eduard were having thier birthday party (we had good timing). stayed the night there with nicoline in a wonderful little house with her crazy dogs, and yesterday we rented bikes and biked around where mum grew up. pancakes for dinner!!!!

today we went to a dungeon place thing in amsterdam which tells us about hollands gruesome history thru scaring us with people that creep up on you etc. that kind of thing.

then goodbye at the trainstation, and i go on a 2 hour flight to BUDAPEST!! my new home until friday. am meeting up with jaron tomorrow, my friend from america who i study with, and we are travelling the rest of our trip together.

the kezboard here is annozing. the y and the z are swapped around. i have done well to correct most of mz mistakes, but now i dont mind. but it does drive me crayz, as im sure it does to zou guzs right now....

hehehe. until next time!!
enjoz the slideshow.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed looking at the Holland photos.. they're great! I am jealous. Day temps here are dropping to 20c but it is quite pleasant. Well I hope Erica is having fun.. all is well here, my lips are becoming cracked now since im on roaccutane.
Any spring time thunderstorms yet??

Anonymous said...

p.s. you should link to my website haha