No bad photos, no drunken stories, just a nice photo of Bilbao by night, and me saying that I had a faaaaaaaaaaaaantastic time last night.
first of all during the day i bought a mobile phone! brand spanking new!!! it was really cool and a newer model from my last phone. note that i used the past tense. aaah yes, i lost my mobile in bilbao that night. i didn't have it for more than 12 hours!!!
anyway, there were 35 of us in my house (thankgoodness the neighbours tolerated the noise) until 1230 and then we went to town where i stayed for a while, then went home to sleep. i have now woken, and will go back to sleep shortly.
people made me cake!!!! and bought me drinks!!
Yes I had fun, yes I am now 21 :-) and yes Jaron (who's birthday it is tomorrow) had a good time too, as we celebrated our birthdays together)
(p.s if you want the unedited version, leave me a comment and i'll email it to you...... seriously, its much more interesting)
hehe but i forgot to mention no parents (mwahahahahahaha)
jejejejejejejjejejejeje, ya hemos cambiado el final, yo creo que mucho mejor. jejejejejejejejejej
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