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Well. What a week that was. Really really beautiful region of Spain, on the north coast. So amazingly wonderful. And amazing people also!!! Gema, my flatmate, is from Asturias, and she hooked us (me and lindsay) up with her cousin susana and her friends!!!! wow. talk about drinking!!! Asturias is the home of apple cider, and jeez, they know how to drink!!!!
monday we were out dancing until 4am.... tuesday we went to the beach near oviedo called gijón which was really beautiful. on wednesday we went to león, which is in castilla y leon, the provence just south of oviedo (between asturias and madrid) which housed a huuuuge cathedral. that was more a shopping trip really, as rebajas (sales season) has hit spain!!! thursday we went to idylic little village with moi pablo and vanesa, drank cider (of course), then went to pravia (where pablo lives) and had a great meal, then went to a fantastic bar called calabeño, where it had suuuuch a celtic feel to it with people playing instruments (violin, guitar, bagpipes, tambourines, flues) whenever they felt like it. it was fabulous, i enjoyed myself a looooot there!!!! we then went on to a large variety of clubs and bars, ending up walking home at 9am in the morning. my goodness what a night! sooo much fun tho!!! (unfortunately i got my bag stolen at a club, thankfully it didn´t have my camera or wallet in it tho, just my phone, glasses etc)(so don´t call me, am in the process of getting a new phone).
thursday we had to sleep, obviously. we were meant to leave to go to salamanca, but had to pay for another night at our hostal so we could sleep during the day!!! 9pm came around and we were out again with moi vanesa and pablo to go to a cider house for dinner, and man, what a dinner it was!!! huge meal, tho not many were hungry as the others at the table (10 of us) had gone out the night before also heheh. i told myself not to drink, but after one drink i felt MUCH better and kept going hehehehe. i didn´t have my camera on me that night, but i do believe we went out to bars again...... more dancing etc etc (and i´m talking proper dancing, latin boys know how to swing it!) got home at 7ish.....
then we were invited with the boys to go to vallodalid which is in castilla y león, and we hung out drinking and being stupid with david, ruben, ivan, and moi. drinking being the key word. wow, this was 3 nights in a row folks.
but spoke perfect spanish the whole entire time, and understood every single word spoken to me. well, at least thats what i believed at the time hehehehe. the next day we ate a delicious lunch at at hobbitlike hole in a hill, ruben, moi and montoto ate half a pig (literally), and i had good lamb ribs. that night it was just me, ruben, lindsay and moi, and we ate pizza and watched 3 movies. nice and relaxing :)
monday a long but happy bus ride home, tuesday was the start of classes at university, wednesday another round of new classes, and then i got a fever. (i wonder what brought it on really.....) a horrible fever with high temperature and horrible body aches. not to mention that my ankles are worse now than ever.
so i´ve been bedridden for the past few days, only recovered today. thankfully. yes, i recovered enough to go into bilbao and be told that i cannot change my ticket.
oh what a problem (or is it a blessing in disguise??). i had bought my return ticket in march 05, and the latest flight they could book at the time was january 22nd. so i got that on the assumption that i could change it closer to the time. hmm, turns out that the day before the flight is toooo close. to make matters worse, i have noooo puta idea where my ticket is. so thats that gone. i now have no ticket home!!!!
i don´t know how to break this either, but i´ve been playing around with my university papers (now that i´ve decided to stick with the BMS and only changing a major), and it works out much much better if i start my 499 investigation paper in a semester 07, then finish off my 3 remaining papers in b semester 07....... .... . ......... .... .. ... .
which leaves me with no plane ticket, or university, or job, or commitments in new zealand until jan/feb 07...........
and yet i can easliy get a job here, in my beloved spain....... earn money for a new ticket.... a much later ticket..... maybe even go home thru the states and say hello to some old friends......
what do people think? if there are no comments in the next 3 minutes, i´m gonna do it......