Well, had everyone leave, that was sad. I ended my relationship with Cam, which was sadder. He then left back to London where he is currently, and I am still in Getxo.
I have moved now, all my stuff is in Algorta (another suburb of Getxo), and i will properly move in on the 5th, when I get back to Getxo. I didn´t have to pay my landlady extra money to have someone clean the place because i was so angry with her that i cleaned my ass off to spite her (i really really didn´t want to give her more money than i already have with rent and utilities).
But before all that was christmas. xmas eve is the night celebrated here in spain, and i went to eva´s house in san sebastián where we dined on prawns, rabas (strips of squid), salmon, delicious chicken, and a nuttily spiced meatloaf thingee. and of course wine and champagne! a very nice dinner, i was stuffed full!!! evas parents are fabulous, very nice people.
then for xmas dinner i returned to my apartment and had a huge potluck with 9 of my usac friends who hung around after the semester finished, and that was great, lots of extra food! and yes.... lots of beer, wine, rum etc etc.
and then on boxing day i went to alisha´s apartment where her flatmate cooked prawns, baby eels (angulas), amazing chicken/bacon... all the food lately has been exquisite! then we had champagne, lemon sorbet, lemon sorbet and champagne mixed together, champagne and orange juice mixed together... the list continues. another fab night for fine food!
and then last night... well, i was too scared to cook and mess up the tidy kitchen!
bye for a while, am going on a road trip!
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