Arrival Day Continued...

Pretty As A Painting
Originally uploaded by janine13.
(see post below)
PART2: So then I check in and my room is in a wing of the castle, and its all to myself even though there are two beds. And its an ensuite! Its not castley inside, but very nice none the less (by not castley i mean no brick walls).

Ok, so here are some odd things about this place:
1) You´re not allowed in your room AT ALL between 11am and 2.30pm
2) The swimming pool is closed between 2pm and 5pm - the hottest time of the day!
3) I was in one room that night, and now tonight I´m in a completely different room (still by myself). It has a bigger window at least!
4) You have to take all your luggage out of your room between 11am and 230pm and store them in lockers that are soooo tiny. So my stuff was spread out among 3 lockers... (I had to unpack a lot of my carefully packed hiking pack :( )
5) Everytime you leave the building you have to drop off your key, and basically anyone can walk in and ask for your key.
6) Can´t remember much more, but its a little odd. Oh well, its a castle! Who cares!!

So as explained in my earlier post, its a little bit of a walk to the main part of town, as you can see from the photo on this post, the big squareish building (alcázar) is near the main plaza, Plaza de Zocodover. Its a really nice plaza, and a beautiful city. As you can see from my photo page, i also had a walk around at night time, very pretty with all the lights showing the castles and monuments etc.

More about this picture - does the background look like its the back drop to a fairytale movie or what! It looks like a painting, its completely fantastic! That was taken this morning as the sun hit the old quarter on the hill. Very pretty. And I´ve just come back from my day in town and i saw the sun set behind the city. very very nice as the pollution diffused the red light nicely.

Oh yeah, and you know how i said yesterday was really hot? It just HAD to be the hottest day of the year so far for the provence of Toledo - 42 degrees. And thats not from something inaccurate Willoughby, thats from the local national whatever meteorological service. It was all in the papers and everything because it nearly beat the provincial all time record of 42.4 degrees. Crazy huh - and i survived!

Today i did some more walking around, saw an exhibition of Leonardo Da Vinci´s machines (and no, he has nothing to do with Toledo).

By the way, this is Don Quixote-ville. The 2nd most translated book in history (apparantly, second only to the bible) written by Cervantes was written about Don Quixote and his travells through Castilla-La Mancha which is the region here. I´m sure you guys have heard about it... or seen pictures of this area with windmills and such?

Yay for O-Week (tshirts)! I was standing in a cafe and two people tapp on my shoulder and ask "are you from waikato?", " why yes i am" i reply. They break out in a grin. wihoo! kiwis! so i sat down and had dinner with them. one from whatawhata (outside of hamilton) and the other from wellington. nice people, they are driving around spain. they too are feeling the pinch of the euro! (EXPENSIVEEEEEE)

2 bus loads of people from Tunisia just arrived. They make a lot of noise! I hope not too much because my joints are aching all over, and its not fatigue sore, i think its flu sore. I have a bad headache also... hmmm, maybe its time for bed.

Well, I hope I´ve updated everyone enough, enjoy yourselves!

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