Oh yeah, last night first.
Well, first there was a walking tour which took us past the Spanish Steps and The Trevi Fountain (amazing). Our American guide was quite entertaining, and even the Ozzie guide made us laugh! The bars were all pretty good, got a free shooter when we walked in the door, and i bought a few drinks also. wow so the prices here are crazy. we got a good deal via the tour, normally a bottle of beer (any kind) is 6 euros. yes, you heard right, thats about 11 new zealand dollars. it is absolutely crazy. our deal was 3 drinks for 10 euros, pretty good really considering!!
walked home with an ozzie, an american, and a puerto rican, all from my hostel. wasn´t too far, but we didn´t really care coz we were all pretty pissed!
this morning = very sore head. but got up none the less. visted the trevi fountain and the spanish steps again, this time in daylight tho. then i took the metro and met up with Janine (an ozzie) who i´d met the day before at our hostel, and we went to the catacombes of san calisto.
what are catacombes you ask, well, they are huuuuge cemetaries burried underground in 168 ad by the christians. i´ll post up photos when i can of them. it was really eerie down there, about 400,000 graves in there, all in slots piled really high. the above photo was taken just outside the building there. it was really pretty, and kinda hard to get to. initially we took the 118 bus, but because it headed into town we thought we´d got the wrong bus so we got off, took another bus back to our origional stop, and then realised that we actually should have stayed on the 118 anyway. sigh. two janines. anyway.
then went back to the old quarter and saw the pantheom which is big! unfortunately had mcdonalds for lunch, but i´m making it up tonight with authentic italian pizza! or porridge. dunno yet.
i´ve walked an extraordinary amount today, its been crazy.
my time is up here, gotta go now, will write more later maybe.
buenasera! (goodnight)
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