Then the next day went up to Bilbao where I met up with heaps of people, some of whom I hadn't seen in years! The USACers Seth, David and Beth were there (who I studied with in 2005) and even went go-karting with los ñikoñako (Markel's friends) which left me with a bit of whiplash.... (2 guys behind me + speed + barrier = crash!) But I had a great time. Unfortunately not a white Christmas like last year, but I think that last years Christmas will be impossible to beat!!!
Over to Oviedo for New Years Eve, and then met up with friends to celebrate the 12 bell rings (at midnight obviously) with 12 grapes, eating one on each ring! Next year I'll get pip-free ones because you gotta eat them fast! Got home at 8am, and spent the first day of twenty-ten sleeping :-)
Back to teaching in a week, so will make the most of the rest of my holidays, though this time relaxing probably..... or planning my next holiday....! Finally have a (sevens) rugby game to look forward to in February! Asturias doesn't have a league so we're always holding out for invitations/opportunities to get some teams together. The Spanish national (womens) team is playing England in Gijón so we'll be playing a few teams from the north of Spain the day before (so there's more of a crowd at the 'main' game!) Going to training will now be much more motivational I'm sure!!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and that the New Year treats you well!