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Well as you can see from my new photos, I haven´t exactly been travelling much, only locally around Getxo and Bilbao. The photo you see here is a joint photo that I did with my mobile, the port/beach area where I live, 15 minutes from my house. If you click on the photo you´ll get a new set of photos.
My kids have thier exams on Monday and Tuesday, all 85 of them. And then I have to mark them and do thier reports. Not to mention my extra classes on Saturdays (which are much less stressfull because as you can see, we play a lot of games). Then Christmas here at home with Susi and Yani, and 2 weeks paid holidays! Yihoo.
The weather is deteriorating, heaps and heaps of wind. I thought my bike was going to be blown off the balcony!! This weekend its a long weekend, so I´m enjoying lazing around, saving up energy for the nights..........
Had the blood tests and xrays (hips knees and ankles), and according to the traumatologist, everything is fine. In short, he doesn´t know. So i´m being bundled off to rehabilitation, but its going to be crap again. At least I have noticed vast improvement since i stopped going to the physio, weird that. I start the rehab in January, but i have low hopes for it. Oh well.
I have to pay 1900€/$3600nz in backrent and bills. Great. Yipee. My paychecks gone!! After December i´ll be able to save properly tho. Looking forward to that. I may even get a laptop. We´ll see!!
Ok. Lots of hugs and kissesssssssssssss
Janine/Nina/Kiwi/Miss Ruys/Pitufina/Guapa