These past few weeks i´ve been missing home. Which is a little weird because i haven´t missed it that much during the past year. Ah, which reminds me, in Granada I celebrated 1 year away from NZ, which probably sparked this want for NZ. Which reminds me that yes i have finally bought my ticket home. Unfortunately due to sky rocketing prices it had to be after xmas, but luckily before new years eve. So we will meet again!!!! Fear not!!!!
So i´m sitting here in my lounge watching NZ getting its arse kicked by the Spanish basketball team in the world cup in Japan, quite possibly increasing my homelyness. I´m not calling it homesickness because its not that, but its something there.
Recently there were the festivals in a part of Algorta where i live, and there was a mini parade with about 20 groups - 2 of which were performing the maori haka!!! one group was more specialised with the "flax" skirts etc, and they did

Listening to Evermores new album Real Life and i´m loving it. So talented those 3 boys are.
My flatmate Gema, the journalist who is doing an internship in El Correo, the 4th biggest newspaper in Spain, is going to write a report on New Zealand!!! Yihooooooooooo! If you guys have any fantastic photos that you have taken yourself please send them to me and lets see if they´re good enought to make it into the saturday edition..... I have a few family photos, but seeing as Willoughby my (idiot) brother formatted our family computer without saving any of my stuff (documents, uni stuff, videos, photos...) i now am left with nothing. :-(
Well, I have a mini job in Salamanca, 8 hours away, teaching english for 1 week to business executives. Well, teaching kind of, i am there to talk english to them in an English Village. Looks to be very interesting, with lodgings and meals and bus all paid for. So here´s to getting a bit of experience!!!!!!
Wintery weather here, storms and low temperatures and miserable Hamilton weather. Just like you´re having now i imagine? Well at least we get soaring temeratures next week... hehehe.