All were creatures discovered through my trip to Tangier, Morocco. Wow. So overwhelming. I can't wait to put my photos up. At my current hostel in Granada i can't, so thats a bit dumb. When i get home in 2 nights i'll put them up.
CAMELS. got a bit seasick on the 30 min ferry, then straight into the tour bus (there was no way i was doing morocco on my own) where we were taken to ride camels!!!! they are awkwardly graceful and didn't spit at me which was nice.
SNAKES. taken around very very windy and narrow streets, with vendors trying to sell us everything under the sun, and i mean everything (apart from hashish (a moroccan specialt) lamented one tourist), and were very very pushy about it. saying a firm no and walking away wasn't enough. you couldn't escape! i didn't buy anything from them tho. hehehehe i won. We were led to a snake charmer and i got the snake around my neck. its very slimey and cold. not a nice feeling. then on to lunch which was shish kebab and kuskus with mint tea afterwards to help indigestion. very nice restaurant with a band playing traditional arabian music. then more winding walking and we were taken to many bazaars with carpets and spices galore.
SPIDERS. ok so i'm exagerating this one, i had a spider on my hotel pillow. hehehehe. i spent the afternoon by the hotel pool, and this was one really really nice pool. i did venture out to the beach, (the hotel was beachfront ***) but the hissing and stares as i simply walked along made me really uncomfortable. i was the only blonde on the beach, and i'm not exagerating. 95% of the people were men and that made me feel even weirder. i didn't last 30 mins before i went back to the safety of the hotel. a nice buffet dinner and then a $60nz call from the hotel phone to spain, then bed.
DOLPHINS. i ate dolphin for breakfast. nah just kidding. i ate crepes. walked around for half an hour in town, quite bravely i might add, and then back on the ferry to Spain. on the way there were a few pods of dolphins!!! they swam happily along but alas i did not get a photo.
and that was my trip! then there was more, obviously, but i have a line behind me for the internet so that'll have to do so far!!!
muchos besos
nehi dut futsis
The Rasmus
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well, the trip has begun. actually i´m halfway thru it now, and have some photos up too.for the meantime i´ll tell you about the beginning.
so, flew to málaga in the south of spain, stayed the night in a hostal but could only sleep 2 hours (heat!!!), then took the bus tu fuengirola, a nice midway stop on the beach before heading off to my real desination of Estepona.
no estepona isn´t a resort destination nor is it well developed, which makes it FANTASTIC. a nice tranquil beach town that is about to get rocked by one of my favourite bands, the finnish group The Rasmus, in the local bull ring.
the spanish warm up band was good, but the real fun came when the 4 rocked out on stage and played for a long time, thier hits, thier two albums, and some earlier ones. i knew every word. i was very proud. and lauri the lead singer was so hoooooooooooooot. is so hot. mmmmmmm, lauri.
ahem.anyway. seeing as i didn´t have accomodation afterwards i hit an all nighter, bought the book deception point by dan brown (author of the da vinci code etc) and read it all that night sitting in the terrace of an all night bar and talking for an hour on the phone with susi.
made it to sunrise and wow what a beautiful sunrise it was. so relaxing. then onto my next destination, gibraltar, the small english colony/territory on the tip of spain that "controls" the gibraltar strait between europe and africa. so everything was in english, even the weather as it became cloudy the next morning and i was a bit pissed off because i wanted to go up the rock, because gibraltar basically is just a rock.
observations in gibraltar: # the prices are scandalous. not only are they in brittish pounds, but its a holiday destination, and they have to be imported. # it was wonderful to drink normal fanta orange # even better to eat aero mint chocolate # all dairies are owned by indians # i could see morocco/africa # i had a big big english breakfast # everytying was very brittish and evreythying including bars etc closed at 11 when i went out for dinner. so no dinner for me, just an apple and skittles.
it was weird talking in english. but SO good to sleep. from friday 11am until sunday 11am when i checked in to my english hotel, i´d only slept 2.5 hours. thats 48 hours with only 2.5 hours sleep. man wsa i tired. but functioning!!!!
next on to tarifa, the most southern part of Spain, and here its windsurf and kitesurf capital. very nice place, lots of beaches and a nice little historic area also.
missing a lot of people, mostly my beautiful spaniard who´s at home from work with an injured shoulder, while i´m out here lazing on beaches. sigh.
and i miss friends and family. dad and wibly and nan i hope you all enjoy western samoa.
and the rest of you, well, email me or something.
ciao for now, i´ll write again when i get back from morocco.... oh yeah, i´m going there tomorrow for a night. should be very very interesting!!!!!!!
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When i say hot, in my post before, i mean HOT.26degrees minimum during the night and during the day the thermometers read 38º but the official papers record 32º .
And to think in a few days i go further south..........
Heat Wave
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Days of heat. Lots of heat. A wave some would say.This means lots of going to the beach, and getting nicely tanned and relax. Relax being the key word.
This means not doing too much, which means i don´t have too much to write.
Going to get a job (probably) teaching english when i get back from my south of spain, Anadalucían trip, on the 1st of august. but school starts for the little ones in september, so i may not even get something until then. I´m not too fussed at the moment, just trying to recover still from the tendonitis, tests etc from the doctor are ok, but i´m still on medication, and well, we´ll see.
Anyway, back to watching TV. In this heat its best to stay inside.
Running With The Bulls
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I am alive.So is the other New Zealander who ran with the bulls but got gored in the left thigh, i´m surprised the nz media weren´t able to release his details, anyway he got gored in the left thigh, still in hospital, and is called David McBell Toby.
Anyway, my story.
I didn´t plan on running, mainly because i still can´t run due to my tendonitis. after a long night of partying the night before, 1 hour of sleep in the crack of 2 beds pushed together (but i can´t really complain because at least i had a place to sleep, the other however many thousands of people here sleep in the park or don´t sleep), and went into the center city to get the party going again. from the hostel to the run area was like travelling through a cloud of foam, the grounds of all the parks and streets were COVERED in rubbish, mainly plastic bags and cups that people carried thier alcohol in.
got to my place at 645am, and stood waiting by the fence for just over an hour, with the running starting at 8am. my two f

Initially i was going to stay another night but i was way too tired and sore in my tendons so i hopped on the bus home (after standing in line at the bus station at least 1/2an hour).
The experience was really cool, but it didn´t meet my expectations, i was a little disappointed, mainly because i couldn´t see the run (the photos you see are not what i saw, they were taken by me on my tiptoes with my arm stretched between 2 peoples heads), and because i wasn´t in the party mood the night before.
next time i´ll have my own bed, be completely in red and white (white

and that was my exciting weekend.
In other news, i quit the job at the bar, it was destroying my tendons and my social life, and my sleeeeeeeeep. nicely added to my pocket, very nicely indeed, but i prefer my health than money. it was a stressfull 5 days, working 52 hours, with everything new from making the drinks, to remembering what they´re called, to using formal spanish (i´ve never used it before, only to talk to old people on the street asking directions).

signing off ----- janina
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